Dylan Kwok
Registered Interior Architect (Finland)
In the past decades, Dylan has explored the culturally diversity of urban settings in East Asia, North America and the Scandinavia, and has developed a strong interested in humanistic design in urbanism. His talent was first served in designing W-hotel Atlanta, and Holt Renfrew Toronto under Burdifilek Design Studio in Canada, before his adventure in Finland, where he conducted several design researches for NOKIA and the City Planning Office of Helsinki. Now based in Hong Kong, Dylan continues to explore the phenomena in the post-industrial cities, under the influence of the peripheral high-speed urban development. Thus, search for the creative niche in the art and design sector. Dylan was the design lead at Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation during its founding period. Since 2013, Dylan supervises final years students on their graduation projects in Macau Polytechnic Institute and teaches three dimensional thinking and design in University of St. Joseph.
Dylan received his interior design education from Ryerson University (Canada) and granted his master degree in Spatial Design from University of Art and Design Helsinki (Finland) with an award-winning thesis. He was selected for the 40 under 40 Perspective 2011 as one of the upcoming Design Stars of Tomorrow followed by the Hong Kong Young Design Talent title in 2009.
Recent projects includes: Slow Living Experiment@Oi! (2016), 10dayfest (2013, 2015), Detour MATTERS(2013), Helsinki South Harbour International Concept Competition (2011) , Kai Tak River Art Festival (2010)
在北歐、北美和東亞等各大城市生活的過去數十年裡,郭氏體驗了在不同文化影響下的種種社會現象,並漸漸對城市及人本設計產生興趣。曾為加拿大Burdifilek Design Studio塑造W-hotel Atlanta及Holt Renfrew Toronro。並於芬蘭工作期間,分别替諾基亞和赫爾辛基市政府,進行設計研究。現在以香港作為基地,探索於週邊城市的高速發展影響下,後工業都市所衍生的不同社會現象,從而尋找藝術與設計的創作空間。郭氏曾為香港理工大學賽馬會社會創新設計院成立期間,擔位副主任一職並主理設計事務。由2013年起重執教鞭,於澳門理工學院及聖約瑟大學,教授畢業創作實踐及三維思考應用等課程。
畢業於加拿大多倫多懷雅遜大學 (Ryerson University) 的室內設計課程。及後獲得芬蘭赫爾辛基藝術與設計大學(University of Art and Design, now Aalto University)的空間設計碩士學位,並赢得當年的最佳論文大獎。郭達麟於2009年獲取香港設計智優青年設計才俊殊榮(HKYDTA),更於2011年被Perspective透視雜誌選為四十位年青設計新星。
過去曾參與策劃的得獎項目包括:從容慢活@油街實現(2016), 十日節(2013, 2015),Detour MATTERS(2013),赫爾辛基南港國際概念設計比賽(2011) ,啟德河藝術節(2010)